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Vincentian Family Office ● Bureau de la Famillie Vincentienne ● Oficina de la Familia Vicenciana


Rome, 18 November 2022



To all the members of the Vincentian Family

+1 (215) 715-3984

Dear brothers and sisters,

May the grace and peace of Jesus be always with us!

500 East Chelten Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19144, USA

This Advent letter is an invitation to pray, meditate, and interiorize the “Evangelical
Counsels” as a means to pursue our journey with Saint Vincent de Paul, a “Mystic of Charity.”
Jesus is the center of our being, our action, our aspirations. For us Christians, He is the focus,
model, and the One to put in first place in our own lives, regardless of whether our vocation is
to married life, single life, or some form of Consecrated life. Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience
are indisputable and vivid signs in Jesus’s life, for He was poor, chaste, and obedient.

Usually when we speak of the Evangelical Counsels of Poverty, Chastity, and

Obedience, we link them to persons in Consecrated life. They follow a specific path, confirmed
by the vows they make. However, the Evangelical Counsels are part of the response to the
universal call to holiness for every Christian, but always according to her or his specific
vocation, given by Jesus Himself.

Jesus remains the prototype of the three Evangelical Counsels. Although He had it all,
He lived poorly. He was chaste, allowing Him great freedom in His relationships. He was
obedient, expressing with great clarity that His mission on earth would develop according to
the Father’s plan and surrendering totally to His Father’s will to the last second of His earthly
life, to the cross where He exclaimed before returning to His Father’s house: “It is finished”
(John 19:30).

The foundation for the Evangelical Counsel of Poverty is the life of the Son of God:

Jesus Christ, who having all things, had nothing. He was the Master and Lord
of the whole world. He made the goods that are in it; yet, He willed, for love of
us, to deprive himself of their use; even though He was Lord of the whole world,
He made himself the poorest of all men and even had less than the smallest
animals. 1

Our common call as Vincentians to serve the poor urges us to witness to the world our
configuration to Christ that began with our baptism and deepens until our return to the Father’s
house. As Vincentians, our priority is not the accumulation of material goods and financial
resources for our own selfish reasons, for we always bear in our minds and hearts that the poor
are “Our Lords and Masters” who have a claim to our resources. Considering how we can assist
them helps us to live the Evangelical Counsel of Poverty through a sober and simple way of
life. The Vincentian mission places us in the world of the poor. Vincentian poverty fosters a
community of service and solidarity with our brothers and sisters.

It also presupposes patterning our life on the example of the poor Jesus, who
evangelized the most abandoned. Saint Vincent, following a long Church tradition,
distinguishes between interior and exterior poverty, both of which are necessary. Without an
external manifestation, “spiritual poverty” is not credible. Without spiritual motivation,
“material poverty” may often be evil.

The Evangelical Counsel of Chastity likewise concerns all Christians, obviously those
who vow it but also persons who are married and those who are single. As Vincentians, who
are regularly in touch with the poor, we must not help them only materially, but also spiritually,
approaching the person in a holistic way, sharing the value of chastity with them as we
evangelize. The poor will come to understand Christian relationships by how we live in
accordance with the Gospel values, serving as light and salt for humanity.

Chastity involves interior and exterior continence, according to one’s state in life, so
that a person’s affectivity and sexuality are lived out with deep respect for others and for
oneself. Celibacy presupposes the renunciation of marriage and the sexual expressions proper
to it.

For Vincentians in Consecrated life, these two elements of the vow—chastity and
celibacy—are external manifestations of a total dedication of one’s life. They should be
perceived as an undertaking of a “particular responsibility: the service of the poor” and not as

Vincent de Paul, Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, translated and edited by Jacqueline Kilar, DC; and
Marie Poole, DC; et al; annotated by John W. Carven, CM; New City Press, Brooklyn and Hyde Park, 1985-2014;
volume XI, p. 210; conference 130, “Poverty,” 6 August 1655. Future references to this work will be indicated
using the initials CCD, followed by the volume number, then the page number, for example, CCD XI, 210.

a rejection of familial responsibility. The demands of a radical following of Jesus lead
Vincentians in Consecrated life to offer themselves completely for the cause of the Kingdom.

For Vincentians in general, the Evangelical Counsel of Chastity helps us to grow in an

intimate relationship with Jesus. As generous self-giving to others, chastity promotes our
evangelizing and charitable mission to the poor, an expression of generativity and creativity.
Like poverty, chastity encourages a community of service that can be effective only through
friendship and fraternal relationships.

We are called to develop freedom and mutual support through healthy friendships and
prudence, leading to apostolic zeal. We need to recognize our own weaknesses, our need for
humility, and our reliance on Jesus’s indispensable support. Saint Vincent affirms, “Humility
is a very excellent means for acquiring and preserving chastity.” 2 There are moments when
fidelity to Jesus entails sacrifice. Saint Vincent recommends serious sacrifice (mortification)
of the interior and exterior senses, and knowing how to avoid ways of expressing affectivity
and sexuality that are not in keeping with the celibate life. Because our humanity has its
strengths and weaknesses, we must speak about difficulties sincerely with Jesus and with other
people who can support us, like our confessor and spiritual director.

The third Evangelical Counsel is Obedience. It speaks to persons who are open to
Jesus’s message. Despite doubts and uncertainty, they surrender to Jesus and trust Him,
persuaded that, in the end, the path He is suggesting we follow is the best. As Saint Vincent
reminds us, “You will have God’s blessing in actions performed through obedience.” 3

Obedience involves Gospel values and attitudes including humility, simplicity,

meekness, dialog, the gift of listening in married life, in single life, or in Consecrated life. Even
when speaking to consecrated persons, Saint Vincent often evokes the example of lay people’s
obedience and deference:

I knew a Councillor of the court... Although he was a Councillor and up in years,

he never did anything without seeking advice. If no one else was about, he would
send for his valet, ‘Come here, young Pierre. I have to attend to a certain
business matter; what do you think I should do about it?’ His valet would
answer, ‘I think you’d do well to act this way.’ ‘Fine, Pierre; right you are. I’ll
follow your advice.’ And he told me that he felt God blessed matters in such a
way that any business he carried on in that fashion was successful. 4

When two or more persons cannot agree among themselves, especially in serious issues,
it is the Evangelical Counsel of Obedience that brings them to a state of inner peace and
reconciliation that they could not imagine. As Christians and Vincentians, we strive not to have

CCD XI, 162; conference 111, “Chastity,” 13 November 1654.
CCD VI, 574; letter 2431 to François Villain in Troyes, 25 October 1657.
CCD XIIIb, 282; document 160, Council of 20 June 1647.

the last word, or be right, but to place ourselves in the role of a servant, the one who serves and
not the one who is served.

May our meditation and interiorization of the Evangelical Counsels help each of us to
respond to the universal call to holiness and thus experience great blessings.

How blessed are those who give themselves to God in this way to do what Jesus
Christ did, and to practice, after His example, the virtues He practiced: poverty,
obedience, humility, patience, zeal, and the other virtues! For in this way they
are the true disciples of such a Master. They live solely of His Spirit and spread,
together with the fragrance of His life, the merit of His actions, for the
sanctification of souls for whom He died and rose again. 5

My Advent prayer for all the members of the Vincentian Family is that you “continue
to fear and love Him [Our Lord] well; offer Him your difficulties and your little services, and
do only what pleases Him. In this way you will continue to grow in grace and virtue.” 6

Your brother in Saint Vincent,

Tomaž Mavrič, CM

CCD V, 554; letter 2013a to Joseph Beaulac, [1656].
CCD IV, 402; letter 1512 to the Sisters of Valpuiseaux, 23 June 1652.

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